StuffIt Expander Read Me Thank You! We at Aladdin Systems would like to thank you for using our product and for your continued support. Licensing Information StuffIt Expander is copyrighted freeware software. You should not run the software until you have read the document called ÒLicense AgreementÓ. By running the software you signify that you agree to the terms of the License Agreement. "Read Us First!" Folder Once the software is installed, you may want to refer to the files in the ÒRead Us First!Ó folder in your StuffIt Expanderª folder on your hard disk. This folder contains the following files: StuffIt Expander Read Me What's New in StuffIt Expanderª License Agreement What was installed (and where) Aladdin Product Overview Aladdin Order Form Electronic Registration We have brought electronic registration via modem or fax to StuffIt Expanderª. Simply double click the "Register StuffIt Expanderª 4.5" item in your StuffIt Expanderª 4.5 folder and you can register electronically! So easy and so fast! Registered users are entitled to technical support, upgrade notices, and may receive special offers on Aladdin products. Do it now! Requirements StuffIt Expanderª 4.5 requires System 7 (7.1.1 or higher) or Mac OS 8. Note: If you are running a System prior to 7.1.1, you should obtain StuffIt Expander version 4.0.1 if you do not already have a copy on your hard drive. To download version 4.0.1 and obtain up-to-date product and technical information please visit our Web site at: StuffIt Expanderª is Apple event aware, 32-bit clean. Expander is also Power Macintosh, AV, Õ040 cache, and virtual memory compatible. Expander has an intelligent background processing scheme that makes it perfect for expanding groups of files so that you can continue to do other things with your computer. Description StuffIt Expander is designed to be the simplest, most efficient way to expand compressed files and encoded files that you may have received from the Internet, an online information service, bulletin board system, over a network, or from a co-worker. StuffIt Expander handles the four most common compression and encoding formats, which are StuffItª and Compact Proª archives (.sit, .sea, and .cpt) , BinHex (.hqx) , and MacBinary (.bin). Also accessible via StuffIt Expander are ShrinkWrapª disk image files and Private Fileª security-encrypted (.pf) files. Using StuffIt Expander will let you access the millions of compressed and encoded files you will find on the Internet and online services, or even those sent you by a friend. An archive is a single file which acts like a container, holding one or more files or folders. Usually the files in an archive are compressed, so they take up less room on a diskette or hard drive, and take less time to transmit over networks and modems. Unless the archive is Òself-extractingÓ (.sea), you need a separate utility to access the files in an archive. StuffIt Expander is a utility which lets you decompress the contents of archives. All non-encrypted archives created by any version of StuffItª and Compact Proª are supported, including files created with other members of the StuffIt family, including StuffIt Deluxe, StuffIt Lite, or DropStuff. StuffIt Expander will also expand files which have been encoded into BinHex 4.0 (.hqx) format, such as those commonly found on the Internet. Multipart BinHex files, such as those appearing in Internet newsgroup postings (e.g. comp.binaries.mac), are fully supported. StuffIt Expander will also ignore any headers from BinHex files. An example of when you would use this feature, is when you download a Macintosh file to your PC, and bring the file to your Macintosh. StuffIt Expander will also expand files which have been encoded into MacBinary (.bin) format. This encoding method is commonly used by the online services that are not Internet based. Be aware that MacBinary files may not have the .bin extension as part of the file name, but don't worry because StuffIt Expander can handle these files. An example of when you would use this feature, is when you download a Macintosh file to your PC, and bring the file to your Macintosh. You can also configure StuffIt Expander to perform periodic checks on the contents of a specified folder (called a ÒWatch FolderÓ), and to expand any new files that it finds. Therefore, you can set StuffIt Expander to expand groups of files in the background while others are being downloaded. If you have also installed ÒDropStuff with Expander EnhancerÓ, a separate product, you will then be able to use StuffIt Expander to expand files which were compressed or encoded on PCs and Unix systems. These include: ZIP (.zip), encrypted ZIP, ARC (.arc), gzip (.gz), Unix Compress (.Z), UUencoded (.uu), MIME/Base64, LHA (.lha), and Tar (.tar). You will also be able to expand files which were compressed with StuffIt SpaceSaver and join files that were segmented with another StuffIt product. StuffIt Expander cannot expand segmented ZIP or Compact Pro files. In addition, if ÒDropStuff with Expander EnhancerÓ has been installed, expansion will occur at accelerated speeds on Power Macintoshes (e.g., expansion of a sample StuffIt archive runs more than 5 times faster on a Power Macintosh 6100/60 than on a IIci). Installation Hopefully, youÕre reading this document after the complete software ÒpackageÓ was installed by the ÒStuffIt Expander InstallerÓ. If not, you should obtain the ÒStuffIt Expander InstallerÓ and reinstall the software. Refer to the ÒWhat was installed (and where)Ó document for details on where the software was installed. This document is located in the Read Us First! folder. Using StuffIt Expander Under System 7 or Mac OS 8, your files can be expanded by dragging those icons onto the StuffIt Expander icon. You may also drag a folder or disk icon over StuffIt Expander, and it will expand any compressed or encoded files within the folder or disk. 1. In the Finder, select one or more icons that you want expanded. 2. Drag them over the StuffIt Expander icon until it is highlighted. 3. Let go of the mouse button. StuffIt Expander will open and youÕll see a progress dialog. Each archive gets expanded into a new folder, located in the same folder as the archive. When everything is expanded, StuffIt Expander automatically quits. System 6 users, or those who prefer a ÒmanualÓ way to expand their files, should: 1. Double click the StuffIt Expander icon. 2. Choose ÒExpandÉÓ from the File menu. 3. Select the file to be expanded. 4. Click the ÒExpandÓ button. A progress dialog will appear as each file gets expanded into the same folder as the original file you specified. 5. Return to step 2 to expand more files or choose ÒQuitÓ from the File menu to exit StuffIt Expander. Setting up a ÒWatch FolderÓ: 1. Double click the StuffIt Expander icon. 2. Choose ÒPreferences...Ó from the File menu. 3. Select the ÒWatch FolderÓ icon from the list on the left. 4. Check the ÒCheck for files to expand inÓ checkbox to enable the feature. 5. StuffIt Expander will ask you to select the folder you want watched. 6. Type the number of minutes you want StuffIt Expander to wait before checking the Watch Folder again. 7. Click ÒOK.Ó 8. Leave StuffIt Expander running, and do other things (such as downloading new files). Special Topics for StuffIt Expander Shortcuts * If you hold down the Control key when dropping the files on the icon, or when choosing Expand from the menu, StuffIt Expander will delete the original archives after expanding them. You are not warned, so use this feature carefully. (Note: Under OS 8, you'll need to begin dragging the files before holding down the Control key to enable this function. If you press the Control key too soon, you'll get the OS 8 Contextual Menu.) * If you hold down the Option key when dropping the files on the icon, or when choosing Expand from the menu, you will have the option of choosing preferences which will apply only that one time to file expansion, after which StuffIt Expander will go back to using your previously set preferences. * If you hold down the Command key when choosing ÒExpand...Ó from the File menu, you will be able to select a folder (or entire disk) to expand, instead of a single file. Normally, you would just drop a folder onto StuffIt Expander to accomplish this. * If you hold down the Shift key when choosing expand from the File menu, and a Watch Folder has been defined, the Watch Folder is scanned for new files to expand. Scripting Scripters can control StuffIt Expander from other applications. For example, with HyperCard use the Òopen using ÒStuffIt ExpanderÓÓ command. With Frontier, use a Òrequired.OpenDocument(ÔSITxÕ, document)Ó. Users of AppleScript and Frontier can get more sophisticated control over StuffIt Expander via the ÒExpandÓ event. Use the AppleScript Script EditorÕs ÒOpen DictionaryÓ command, and "open" StuffIt Expander to view the information on the Expand event. Caveats * With the exception of StuffIt 3.X archives, StuffIt Expander will not expand encrypted or password protected archives. * StuffIt Expander will not expand StuffIt archives created using 2.0 Optimizers. You will need either the StuffIt Deluxe or the StuffIt Lite application, and the 2.0 optimizer used to compress the archive. Troubleshooting/Known Issues * When DropStuff with Expander Enhancer is installed, StuffIt ExpanderÕs joining feature may not work correctly under certain circumstances. Specifically, if the ÒDelete segments after joiningÓ preference is selected, and you run out of disk space during a join operation, the first segment will be deleted even though the joining is not complete. The easy way to avoid this is to make sure you have enough disk space before performing a join, or alternatively deselecting the ÒDelete segments after joiningÓ preference. * If StuffIt Expander does not highlight when dragging a file onto it, try rebuilding your desktop by restarting your computer while holding down the Option and Command keys until a dialog appears. Click ÒOKÓ when asked if you want to rebuild your desktop. We hope that you wonÕt have any problems with StuffIt Expander, but if you do, you can contact Aladdin Systems. E-mail is the best way to get your technical questions answered. The Technical Support E-mail address is: How to Contact Us If you would like information about our other award-winning products (like StuffIt Deluxeª, DropStuff with Expander Enhancerª, Spring Cleaningª, FlashBackª, Private Fileª, ShrinkWrapª, InstallerMakerª or CyberFinderª), just ask us. For the quickest way to learn more about AladdinÕs products, visit our Web site listed below. Mail: Aladdin Systems, Inc. 165 Westridge Drive Watsonville CA 95076 USA Phone: (408) 761-6200 Fax: (408) 761-6206 Internet (World Wide Web): E-mail: (Customer Service & Sales) (Macintosh Technical Assistance) (Windows Technical Assistance) (General Information) When e-mailing us, we will be able to respond to your message sooner if you include an informative SUBJECT header (such as ÒDropStuff Tech SupportÓ). Thanks. Visit our Online Technical Support You can receive information immediately on any of our products by visiting our Web site or using our automatic e-mail system. For links to the Product Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and information on getting an auto-response email via our Infobot, go to our Web site at: What is Freeware? Freeware is copyrighted software which never costs anything to use. Like shareware, it may be given out to friends or posted on bulletin boards and online services. But, unlike shareware, you can use it and pay nothing! StuffIt Expander is Freeware. Please share this software with every Mac user you know! But, PLEASE, give away the installer only, not the individual files (i.e. StuffIt Expanderª). THANKS! Note: Commercial Distribution of this software, or inclusion of this software in a commercial offering, is not permitted without prior permission from Aladdin Systems, Inc. Copyright © 1992-1998 Aladdin Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. StuffIt, StuffIt Expander, DropStuff with Expander Enhancer, StuffIt Deluxe, StuffIt SpaceSaver, StuffIt InstallerMaker, Private File, FlashBack, CyberFinder, Spring Cleaning, ShrinkWrap, and the Aladdin Logo are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Now our lawyers are happy. rev 1229971821 rc