ZMakeAlias Version 1.0.3 Copyright © 1992 by Mike Throckmorton Copyright © 1992 by Ziff-Davis All Rights Reserved Overview One feature of System 7.0 is "aliases." An alias is a pointer to a file or application. On the desktop it is an icon which, when double-clicked, will launch the original document. Aliases are useful when you have documents deep within your disk hierarchy which you want to have accessible from the desktop. However to create an alias, you must be in the Finder. ZMakeAlias lets you create an alias for a document from within that document's application. ZMakeAlias is a System Extension which adds a "Make Alias" button to the Macintosh's standard "Save" or "Save As" dialog boxes. This button allows you to make a System 7.0 "Alias" of the file whose name and volume/folder location are displayed in the Save/Save As dialog box. Since, ZMakeAlias uses the new Macintosh operating system version 7.0 "Alias" functions, it only works with that operating system and is incompatible with previous versions (6.0.x and below). ZMakeAlias was created for Zmac (hence the name), the on-line service for MacUser and MacWEEK. Usage Licensing Information ZMakeAlias was written by Mike Throckmorton for Ziff-Davis Publishing Company and is copyrighted software. There is no charge for the use of this software and you may make copies of the ENTIRE package (including this documentation) and pass it on to others PROVIDING that you do not CHARGE for it. However, making copies for any commercial purpose is prohibited. If you have any problems or questions about ZMakeAlias, you can get help through the Zmac online service. You may contact me at: Mike Throckmorton 2120 Ardenne Drive Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA) 48105 313-662-7902 CompuServe ID: 72220, 1611 Caveats, Warnings and Assurances WARNING: Although great care has been taken in the design and construction of this package, it may contain errors or may interact with other software or hardware on your computer which may cause operational failures. The effects of such operational failures may cause damage (direct, indirect, etc). A CONDITION FOR USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS THAT: IF YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE you agree that you will not hold me (Mike Throckmorton), Ziff-Davis, or the person you got the package from responsible for such damage. YOU USE THE SOFTWARE at YOUR OWN RISK. Installation The package consists of this document and the ZMakeAlias file. To install: ¥ Drag the file "ZMakeAlias" into your System Folder, or into the Extensions Folder inside of the System Folder. ¥ Reboot your computer. The "Make Alias" button will now be available in your applications' "Save As" and "Save" dialog boxes. Using ZMakeAlias ZMakeAlias works by adding a button to the "Save" or "Save As..." dialog box. To make an Alias of a file you are working on, select "Save As..." from the File menu. Usually, the dialog is set up with the name of the document in the "Save document as" text box and the current folder displayed is usually the one containing the file. If it isn't, you should navigate the dialog to the folder containing the file that you want to make an Alias of. The following screen shot, taken while using the application WriteNowª from T/Maker, shows that the "Save As" will be done on the file "Phone Log" contained in the folder "Business" on the volume "TestPartition". Ê Clicking the "Make Alias" button at this point causes ZMakeAlias to remember the file and folder location and lead you to the next dialog... Ê Clicking on the "Make Alias" button reveals this second dialog box. This dialog lets you name your new Alias and put it in a new folder. You can either navigate to a new folder using the pop-up hierarchical menus or use the "Skip To Folders" feature. "Skip To Folders" is a menu which lets you jump directly to three different folders, without requiring that you navigate the dialog box. The three folders are: System Folder, Apple Menu Items Folder, and a third folder, which you may set as you please. You can set the "User Folder" using the last item in the pop-up menu: "Set User Folder". This item will set the third folder to the one at which the dialog is currently resting. So, for example, if you clicked on "Skip To Folders" in the above dialog and dragged down to "Set User Folder", the User Folder item would be set to "Business". The screen shot below shows the Skip To Folders menu: Ê When you have named the Alias and navigated the dialog to the folder where you want it to be saved, click the "Save" button. ZMakeAlias will create and save the Alias as you have indicated and return you to your application. If at this point, you click "Cancel" instead, nothing at all will be done and you will be returned to your application.