DiskSwitch © 1992 Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., © 1992 Mike Throckmorton., All Rights Reserved. This utility can be copied but is copyrighted. You may make copies for others as long as no charge is involved, but making copies for any commercial purpose is prohibited. It is available exclusively through Ziff Communications on-line services and electronic publishing projects. Version 1.0.0 DiskSwitch is a System Extension that adds a pop-up menu to the Save/Save As and Open dialog boxes so you can select and jump to any mounted disk available on your Macintosh. Instead of going to the desktop to select a file from another disk, you can simply select the disk you want from the DiskSwitch pop-up menu. Any mounted disk will show up in the DiskSwitch menu, this includes file servers. DiskSwitch is compatible with Macintosh operating system versions 6.0.x and above, including the new 7.0.x versions. To install: Drag the file "DiskSwitch" into your System Folder, or into the Extensions Folder inside of the System Folder. Reboot your computer. Usage Licensing Information DiskSwitch was written by Mike Throckmorton for Ziff-Davis Publishing Company and it is copyrighted software. You may use this software free of charge and you may share copies of the entire package providing that you do not charge for it and include this documentation. Making copies for any commercial purpose is strictly prohibited. If you have any problems or questions about DiskSwitch, you can get help through the ZiffNet/Mac online service. You may contact the author by writing or calling: Mike Throckmorton 2120 Ardenne Dr. Ann Arbor, MI. (USA) 48105 (313) 662-7902 CompuServe ID: 72220, 1611 Warnings and Assurances Although we have taken great care in designing and constructing this package, it may contain errors or may interact with other software or hardware on your computer to cause operational failures and possibly damage. You may use this software on the condition that you do not hold Mike Throckmorton, Ziff-Davis Publishing Company, or the person you got the package from responsible for such damage. USE THE SOFTWARE at YOUR OWN RISK. Thats all there is to using DiskSwitch. If you need help you can send a message via ZiffNet/Mac to Mike Throckmorton, Sysop in the Download & Support Forum, or any member of the ZiffNet/Mac staff.