SCSI JackHammerŞ 3.2.6 This is the last known official release of the JackHammerŞ Control Panel & firmware. This update was only released on the PowerComputing Release 2.2 Update CD, and nowhere else. It is wholly undocumented, with no indication on what bugs or issues were fixed. One issue that it DOES appear to fix is a long-standing incompatibility with disks that have more than 512 bytes per sector. This bug prevented any media such as Magneto Optical disks with sector sizes larger than 512 bytes from mounting on the desktop or be initialized (formatted.) After updating a SCSI JackHammerŞ card to the 3.2.6 firmware, this bug appears to be fixed, and media with sector sizes larger 512 bytes appear to work as expected. The firmware also appears to fix some stability & compatibility issues. Some SCSI JackHammerŞ cards are prone to freezing for unknown reasons despite following proper SCSI termination guidelines. The cards will exhibit these instability issues on one Macintosh, but then appear to work as expected on a separate but identically configured Macintosh. After updating to 3.2.6, the card seemed to work as expected even on machines where it previously had issues.