Enclosed, you will find a copy of the JackHammerCDev v.3.2.3. This version is designed to fix compatibility issues between the Truevision TARGA 2000 (NuBus) card and the FWB SCSI JackHammer. If you are not using the TARGA 2000 digital video card, then you should not be using JackHammer v.3.2.3. To use this control panel, please do the following: - Remove the older version of the JackHammer CDev from your control panels folder. - Place JackHammer 3.2.3 CDev in the Control Panels folder. - Open the JackHammer 3.2.3 CDev. - You will be asked if you would like to have the JackHammerÕs EPROMs updated. Agree to this. - Restart your computer. That is all there is to it. Should you have any questions, please call FWB Technical Support at (415) 833-4578.