This is the first Apple ][ emulator for the Macintosh. This archive contains several different disks in varying image formats. .do is your typical Apple ][ disk image format supported by nearly all emulators (even vintage ones.) .woz is a modern FLUX image generated by the AppleSauce FDC. .moof is a modern disk image format with FLUX information. It is useable in the most modern emulators. .image is a regular Disk Copy 4.2 image. * ][ in a Mac - Communications This disk is used on an Apple II for communicating with ][ in a Mac over a serial cable to generate useable disk images by the emulator. The .do file is the only file you need for your Apple ][ or emulator. * ][ in a Mac Master This disk is the main bootable application disk for your Macintosh. * ][ in a Mac Masters This Macintosh disk contains the DOS 3.3 and ProDOS images for the emulator as well as Terminal application for communicating with an Apple II.